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World's 1st flying car takes to sky
浏览次数 931 , 日期 2008-02-26 , 燃气设备 加入收藏
THE dream of escaping a traffic jam, has come a tiny bit closer with the maiden flight of a "roadable aircraft."
Media were not present at the airstrip in Plattsburgh, New York, The United States, when the test of Terrafugia's The Transition took place, but the company has released photographs and video chronicling the event.
"This breakthrough changes the world of personal mobility - it’s what aviation enthusiasts have been striving for since 1918," said Carl Dietrich, CEO of Terrafugia, which is based outside of Boston in Woburn, Massachusetts.
With front-wheel drive and fold up wings, the aircraft is capable of being driven on public roads at highway speeds and will fit in a standard garage. What it can't do, legally, is take off and land from anywhere other than an approved general aviation airport.
Other flying cars have been demonstrated before, but this is the first proven model with foldable wings which allows it to seamlessly transfer from air to road. The company claims its flying vehicle can soar 640km through the air on a single tank of unleaded petrol, so you can refuel at your servo.
The vehicle is expected to go on sale as early as 2011 for about US$290,000 - cheaper than a new Bentley luxury car.
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